About the Artist

In 2004, after thirty years, Pat George retired from the University of Victoria’s Visual Arts Department. For decades he has contributed his artwork to Kids for Golf, Canadian National Institute For The Blind, British Columbia Federation of Fly-fishers, Haig-Brown Fly-fishing Association, Pacific Salmon Foundation and the Pink Salmon Foundation.

His deep interest in nature conservation, fly-fishing and its environs are prime to his work. The stream of consciousness symbols underline his concerns about human behaviour and the biological changes in the urban environment which result in the degradation of the environment.

In 2009, he illustrated his second book project, a children’s book. At present, his work involves illustrations for a third, limited edition, private publication, book project as well as the assemblage of current work for an exhibition.

As an international printmaker, his work is in major private and public collections throughout the world.

Fish House Series

Fish House Series – These prints are from a series specifically commissioned. This set of ten evolved from the artist’s passion for fly-fishing, nature conservation and life experience. The artist consciously distorts the dwellings to invite the viewer to question the special relationship of the buildings’ shapes: the building being one’s mind and, the species of fish, a personality.


Prisoner Series

This series explores the existential relationship of man as he perceives his environment and its relationship to those around him. This theme was initially explored by the artist in the early 1970s and continues to be a subject questioned by the artist.

Contact the Artist

Victoria, BC, Canada